Monday, October 11, 2010

First Post!

Hey guys!

As the title implies, this is my very first post!  Since this is the beginning of  my overall blogging experience and the start of this blog, I want to highlight what this blog is all about and give some general info about what I'm particularly interested in and what my goals are.

The Blog
Layman Science is a blog of random topics and articles from the scientific world, broken down without all that boring jibber-jabber, so we can all understand it in a more simplistic, yet factual manner.  I will cover many topics including physics, nutrition, medicine, biology, chemistry and much more!  My goal is simply to translate hot ideas in the scientific world into a more understandable and comprehensible format.  Granted, seemingly alien vocabulary will be introduced, but I will include definitions and break downs in all of the posts that have these special new words! 

I also want this blog to be interactive.  What I mean by this is that I want to hear from you!  If you have a question about something I have previously posted or have mentioned feel free to ask!   I will also do my best to take requests for topics that may interest you.  It may become difficult for me to accomplish that task if this blog gains some popularity (hopefully it will) but I will see what I can do.  Until then bring it on!

The Author
My name is Dallas (yes, just like the city) and I am currently a student of biology and chemistry.  I have chosen these areas of study in hopes of eventually going to medical school where I will be able to study emergency medicine and virology (both of which will have many posts dedicated to them). 

I have an extremely curious relationship with science.  If I hear about something new in a given field I try to learn everything I can about it.  For instance when I first heard about the Ebola virus (sounds like a good post topic *hint hint*) I did everything I could to obtain information on this peculiar virus, which led to my extreme interest in the field of virology and eventually medicine.

Unfortunately, the world is filled with too much information for any one person to learn in a lifetime, however it is really fun to learn the cool and amazing things nature has for us to explore.  In conclusion, I hope that we can venture into these areas of thought and excitement together and learn a little something about this universe we call home.

Peace Out!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Dallas,

    I'm looking for blogs to discuss science theories (especially ones that blow our minds) like Pigram's holographic cause for memory and reality, chaos theory, radical ideas on evolution, etc..

    Tom Alexander
